Monsters come in a couple differnet ways. There are normal, effect monsters, fusion, xyz, pendulums, synchro, and links. Each monster has their own ways to get on the field. Effects, and normals are the cards that go into the main deck while the rest go into the extra deck because they need special requirments. Monsters besides links have levels. Normal and effect can be summoned if they are 4 stars or lower unless effect says other wise. Montser have types that corilate to archtypes and may have special effects. Synchro monster needs a tuner and 1 or more monster that equal the level of that synchro card. Fusions may need certian cards or just a type of monster and a spell card polymerization to be summoned. XYZ need 2 more cards that are the same level. Monster cards are your bread in the deck.
Spells cards also have 3 type like quick, equip, and normal. Spells can help boost the attack, defense, or both with equip spells. Normal spells may help search for a certan monster, spell, trap or anything else. Quick speels can be used durin the oppients turn. They may also damage an oppient for a certian amount. Spell are the butter in the deck.
Trap card are put in decks to stop your oppient from doing certian differnt things. Traps can make or turn a bad sitution into a better situation. Trap cards are made to help a deck stop other decks from doing things.